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    如何证明 M3500A 每秒可以达到 2000 笔的读值?



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    请问如何变更 M3500A 的电源线电压设定?

    Suppose your condition is in AC 100V and you want to convert the voltage to the 220V.

    【Step 1】Verify that the meter is disconnected as shown as the Figure 2-1.

    【Step 2】Open the voltage setting selector cap as shown as the Figure 2-2. (You might need a pair of tweezers to do so)

    【Step 3】Remove the red voltage setting selector from the right middle seam as shown as the
    Figure 2-3. (You might need a pair of tweezers to do so)

    【Step 4】Turn it over to 220V position as shown as the Figure 2-4.

    【Step 5】Insert the voltage setting selector back into the socket and close the cap as shown as the Figure 2-5.

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